A Great fish game
A fishing to look at
Ice Fishing in the Wisconsin Winter
It's late December... temperatures are racing towards 0 degrees. Ice is covering most of the lakes in Wisconsin and getting thick on the lakes in the Northern half of the state.
This is the time of the year when the die-hards come out to take on ...
Author: Scott Pinkert
Tips In Fishing For Salmons In Alaska
Alaska is known as one of the most bountiful areas with salmon, and is ideal for fishing trips.
This is because of extreme tides along the West Coast and the gush of ocean currents that create an environment ideal for the breeding of thousands of ...
Author: Travis Clemens
Bass Fishing Tips
3 Lures You Must Have
Do you know what the top 3 lures for catching Bass are? Though there aren't any specific statistics, a survey was conducted amongst the pro bass fishermen and it was found that plastic worms won by a large margin. Secon ...
Author: Frank Faldo
A fishing article for you to read Tips for smallmouth bass fishing in Ontario Canada
Author: Jim Hutton
Smallmouth bass can be found in Ontario's Great Lakes as well as the glacial lakes of the Canadian Shield and in a number of rivers, creeks, and lakes in this beautiful Canadian province. Largemouth bass are commonly found in warmer bodies of water with shallow cover, usually comprised of fallen timber and weeds or stone outcrops. Some of the lakes with mixed habitat result in the largemouth region intersecting and co-mingling with that of smallmouth, making for a variety of fishing opportunities. In Ontario, smallmouth bass fishing success is usually optimised in more open water, where you can utilize light to medium-action six to ten pound test lines and normally a six foot spinning rod. The fly fisherman will also find smallmouth bass eager to attack top-water poppers or minnow-shaped ribbons in a shallow water setting. During the Canadian summer, deep underwater points, submerged islands, rocky shoals and weed bed edges are the prime locations to snag these agile and spectacular fighting species of bass. Ontario smallmouth bass fishing is somewhat unique when compared to other bass fishing settings. In the rugged Northern Ontario lakes and rivers where some of the best medal smallmouth bass fishing can be experienced, smallmouths favor the unsteady clear lakes with little plant life and congregate in shoreline rocks and points. But don't limit your fishing to the shoreline as some of the prize catches can be had in the deeper water. If you really want to experience the great remote areas you can charter with Wilderness Air and fly in to your own exclusive lake. You can bunk in a deluxe outpost cabin, which are very well maintained and comfortable. Wilderness Air charters is one of the best ways to experience the Ontario smallmouth bass fishing challenge! Smallmouth bass derived their name from the anotomical fact that the rear end of the lower jaw does not extend past the eye, while the lower part of the jaw of a largemouth does. There is also a low notch linking the dorsal fins to the body that resembles a series of dark broken bars. The smallmouth bass typically matures between the ages of roughly two and four years and often has a life span of over ten years. On a light line, the Ontario smallmouth bass is a fierce competitor and pound for pound one of the best battles in Canadian angling. First time bass fishermen are always shocked by the dramatic and frequent jumps coupled with the powerful ability to dive quickly to awesome depths. That's how bass fishing becomes a habit and compulsion that is hard to give up and why bass fishermen keep migrating back to Ontario for return visits. After battling one of these determined creatures the average fisherman is always surprised to find that the average length for a smallmouth ranges between only ten and about twenty inches. The current Canadian record for the biggest smallmouth bass caught in Ontario is a little over ten pounds. In terms of the better types of lures to use, crawling spinnerbaits or retrieving shallow-running crankbaits along the sub-merged weed patches are very effective. Both species of bass found in in deeper water are attracted to diving crankbaits. Largemouth tecniques employed in most other locations are also effective in Ontario. Tactics vary from flip-and-pitch styles used in the shallow weed beds, docks, and stumps, to the exciting top-water stroke on jerkbaits, poppers, and hovering plastic worms. If you have never fished for smallmouth in Ontario there are a few points to remember. Keep in mind that Ontario smallmouth bass fishing is a little different from the the largemouth bass experience. If you are used to fishing largemouth primarily in weed beds, you will find the smallmouth bass would rather hide out where the rock ledges drop suddenly. The popular baits are crawfish, minnow, leeches and hellgrammites. You will likely have success using everything that resembles a minnow such as plastic worms or flag flies. Also when fishing for Ontario smallmouth bass you will usually find schools of fish about the same size so if you are not satisfied with the size of fish taken from a given location you should probably move on to a fresh spot. If you' are releasing live bait from your boat use as many lines as is permissible. The season from the middle of June through to the fall is the best time to plan your trip to Ontario. In the early part of the season the smallmouths are often found on the shallower beds, and by fall they are found in the 10 to 20 foot deeper waters. At that time you should group rattletraps, cranks and jigs, and float a marker buoy to mark the school area. Try it once and I guarantee you will be telling your friends and planning a return trip next season to Ontario Canada. Learn more about the bass fishing experience at: Bass Fishing Article Library Article Source : http://www.articledashboard.com Jim Hutton is an avid bass fishing enthusiast and writes on the topic at: Bass Fishing Article Library ...
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